
The concept of social capital based on the 3 axes of "trust," "standards of reciprocities," and "bonds," and the importance of them being widely permeated, are being reevaluated in countries around the world.


Further, we believe that these social relationship assets themselves are the identity that we have cultivated in Japan and the beauty of society.

We aim to contribute to the creation of such a beautiful society.


A society in which we respect each other while going beyond generations and personalities and everyone can live and thrive comfortably with hope in daily life.

The SIGMAXYZ group cooperates with clients, partners, and various individuals and organizations to create value as Sherpas.


We start with taking one step at a time for a more beautiful tomorrow.


With us...
You can meet friends.
You can expand your opportunities.
You can take on challenges.

You can grow and be more capable.
You can contribute to society.
You can enrich your life.


Promote transformation in companies and contribute to attaining
the SDGs together with clients and partners.


Human Value

Openness & Trust

Open ourselves, then trust our partners.


Be earnest about everything.


Carefully consider our partners' thoughts and feelings before taking action.

Sense of Beauty

Strive to be esthetically beautiful.

Respect for Difference

Know, understand and respect a diverse range of values.


Respect and help partners.

Business Value

Sharing Thoughts

Understand partners' real intentions, and communicate our real intentions.


Share goals beyond differences in position, and create high value.


Combine all people, products, and experiences to create new value.


Act together all the way to completion.

Agility & Speed

Sense and respond to changes quickly.

Intellectual Fight

Pursue outstanding quality without compromise.