Human Assets Development Policy

SIGMAXYZ Group believes that value co-creators responsible for co-creating value represent the source of the Group’s business growth and ability to create a sustainable and beautiful society of tomorrow.

Human Assets Development Policy (Established in March 2023)

Employees are human assets, not human resource

The growth and value creation of employees is the source of the organization’s growth.
In other words, employees are assets.
SIGMAXYZ Group aims to establish a work environment where diverse human assets can demonstrate their abilities with high motivation, and work on value creation in their own way,
while growing sustainably.

Diversity maximizes the value of collaboration

The more people who aspire to grow professionally while maintaining their own life-work balance join an organization, the more diverse it will become. There is a dynamic joy in admitting and respecting differences among people, and creating value out of the combination. SIGMAXYZ Group believes that only when there is a culture where employees embrace it will we become an organization where not only female and international personnel, but also people with diverse personalities, gather and thrive.

As of the end of March, 2024, consolidated

Results for fiscal year ended March 31, 2021

Results for fiscal year ended March 31, 2022

Results for fiscal year ended March 31, 2023

Results for fiscal year ended March 31, 2024

Target for fiscal yearended March 31, 2031

Proportion of women in management positions






Proportion of mid-career personnel recruited in management positions




217 (82%)


Proportion of foreigners in management positions




1 (0.4%)


Proportion of employees taking childcare leave, etc.*






Gender pay gap (SIGMAXYZ Inc.only)**






* The proportion of employees taking childcare leave, etc. for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 has temporarily decreased due to high ratio of eligible employees taking maternity leave.
** The criteria for determining class and pay are the same for both men and women.
(Each indicator above is calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace)

Four para-athletes belong to the SIGMAXYZ Group, and in addition to participating in various competitions, they are involved in activities to promote para-sports and accessibility through lectures and social events.


The ability and professionalism of each para-athlete also promotes our “Diversity of Capabilities”.

Work environment supporting value co-creation (policy for improving the internal environment)

SIGMAXYZ Group’s work style is characterized as “Professional & Collaboration,” and we have created an environment where diverse human assets can demonstrate their abilities with high motivation, and work on value creation in their own way, while growing sustainably.

Holacracy-based organization

Network-type organization emphasizing the autonomy of every individual

Capability development framework (CDF)


Sustainable growth through work and learning based on personalized career plan

Learning program


Access to various training opportunities internally and externally according to individual learning plans in a cafeteria-type format

Knowledge-sharing system


Sharing of information, knowledge and experiences, and growing together

Professional personnel system


Evaluate based on the performance they demonstrated, not the time they took on work

Digital and mobile workplace


Fully digital environment allowing employees to freely select where and when they work

Free address system

Work spaces emphasizing collaboration and value creation

Related Links: workplace

Health management program


Provision of various programs empowering employees to acquire health knowledge, know themselves, and take required actions autonomously

Related Links: Health management program

Benefits program

Various programs allowing employees to concentrate on value creation while achieving work-life balance

Establishment of a new training center (March 2024)

We have established a new training center near our headquarters office with the aim of further enhancing human assets development and capability development, which is the most important management issue for the Group. The layout is flexible and can be changed to suit the number of people and training content, and it is being used as a learning space for new graduates and existing employees.

Commencement of trial operation of “X-base Sakudaira” (May 2023)

We have started the trial operation of “X-base Sakudaira,” as a new base that has a theme of “Agriculture x Co-working.” We are exploring diverse ways of working by having employees refresh themselves with each other, their families, clients, business partners, etc. in a natural environment, while working in agriculture and interacting with the local people.