The purpose of this Website is for SIGMAXYZ Investment Inc (hereinafter referred to as “we” or “us”) to provide information about us. Before using this Website, please read this Terms of Use. The persons who have accessed and used this Website (hereinafter referred to as “Users”) shall be deemed to have consented to each of the following items.
While we are operating the contents of this Website in accordance with our standards, we shall not warrant about their accuracy, timeliness, completeness, validity, reliability, safety (including the absence of computer viruses or other hazardous materials), merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose of the Users. We are not liable to Users with respect to any contents published on this Website or any use by the Users of this Website, regardless of breach of contract, nonconformity of contract, tort, or any other causes. Please use this Website at the Users' own responsibility and risk.
In addition, this Website is for the purpose of providing information about us only, and no information is intended to solicit the purchase or sale of our shares. Our business plans, forecasts and strategies published on this Website are based on our judgments using information available at the time the information was prepared and might be including risks and uncertainties. The contents of this Website may be changed, modified, or abolished without prior notice. Investment decisions should be made at the Users' discretion. We are not be liable for any damage or failure caused by errors in the information or data downloaded from this Website.
Please note that the contents of this Website, the URL/link, and this Terms of Use are subject to change or revision at our discretion, and in such case we will notify Users in this Website accordingly.
This Websites may have links to external third party websites (hereinafter referred to as “External Sites”), which we shall not be liable for the contents. It is welcomed to make links with this Website,
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- Links from websites that contain any contents that violate or may violate any applicable laws or public order or morality,
- Links that are used in combination with frameset functions or that make it unclear or ambiguous that the contents of this Website belong to us, or that in the form of infringing on any Copyrights (defined in Article 5) of us or any third party.
- Links from websites that contain any contents that defame us or our business, or may cause any damage on our reputation, and
- Links for business and commercial purposes.
We are not liable for any damages or claims or any other complaints made by a third party against any websites that have links to this Website. If Users link to this Website, please ensure that such link shall not damage to us in connection with any damages, claims or complaints from third parties.
Please read our Privacy Policy for our handling of the personal information. We make reasonable efforts to protect the privacy of our Users regarding the management of personal information, but we are not liable for any leakage of information due to unauthorized access or other illegal acts by third parties.
Copyrights of the contents of this Website (including texts, photographs, pictures, music, data, software, images, sounds, graphics, animations, videos, and the like) and the right to arrange and edit these contents, shall belong to us or the persons that created them. Any use of them without our permission (including copying, publicizing, transmitting, publishing, broadcasting, distributing, transferring, renting, translation, adapting, licensing, reuse, republishing, modifying, and changing all or part the contents of this Website) and use of them for commercial purposes are strictly prohibited.
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Established on October 1, 2021